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The World of the Newborn

Allattamento Misto: Perché Sceglierlo e Come Iniziarlo - Noi da piccoli

Mixed Breastfeeding: Why Choose It and How to Start It

Allattamento Misto: Perché Sceglierlo e Come Iniziarlo - Noi da piccoli

Mixed Breastfeeding: Why Choose It and How to Start It

Introduction Welcome to our blog, a place where you can find valuable advice for the growth of your little ones. Today we will talk about a much discussed topic among new mothers: mixed breastfe...

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Come Far Fare il Ruttino al Neonato - Noi da piccoli

How to Burp Your Newborn

Introduction The birth of a newborn is a joyful event that brings with it new responsibilities and challenges for parents. One of these challenges is burping the newborn after every meal. While i...

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Come fare un massaggio al neonato: guida passo-passo - Noi da piccoli

How to give a newborn massage: step-by-step guide

Learn how to give a baby massage safely and effectively with our step-by-step guide. Promote your baby's sleep and digestion, strengthen the bond with mom.

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Come alleviare il dolore al seno durante l'allattamento - Noi da piccoli

How to relieve breast pain while breastfeeding

Find out how to relieve breast pain while breastfeeding with these natural techniques. Read the article to learn about hot and cold compresses, breast massage, position changes and other effective ...

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Come gestire lo stress da neomamma - Noi da piccoli

How to manage stress as a new mother

Learn how to manage stress as a new mother with relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, exercise and asking for help. Understand the signs and symptoms of stress as a new mother a...

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Attività creative per bambini sotto i 5 anni - Noi da piccoli

Creative activities for children under 5 years old

Discover 10 creative and educational activities for children under 5 that help develop their cognitive and motor skills, such as painting, sandcastle building and science labs at home.

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5 ricette veloci per mamme impegnate - Noi da piccoli

5 quick recipes for busy moms

With these 5 quick and healthy recipes, busy moms can prepare healthy and tasty meals for their family, without having to spend hours in the kitchen.

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Genitori Consapevoli: Consigli Per Un'infanzia Felice E Sana - Noi da piccoli

Conscious Parents: Tips for a Happy and Healthy Childhood

Find out everything you need to know about conscious parenting and raising happy, healthy children with our tips and advice - click here to get started!

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Come Fare Il Bagno Al Bambino: Consigli Pratici Per Un Momento Di Relax E Igiene - Noi da piccoli

How to Bathe Your Baby: Practical Tips for a Moment of Relaxation and Hygiene

Bathing your baby can be a moment of relaxation and hygiene. But it can also be overwhelming if you don't know how to do it correctly. In this blog post, we'll go over the basics of bathing a baby...

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Tuo Figlio E La Routine Quotidiana: Come Organizzare La Giornata - Noi da piccoli

Your Child and the Daily Routine: How to Organize the Day

Being a parent is one of life's most rewarding experiences, and it can also be one of the most challenging experiences. With so many tasks to juggle and the need to care for a young child, it can b...

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