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Article: How to give a newborn massage: step-by-step guide

Come fare un massaggio al neonato: guida passo-passo - Noi da piccoli

How to give a newborn massage: step-by-step guide

Baby massage is an excellent practice for strengthening the bond between mother and baby, as well as promoting the baby's sleep and digestion. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to a safe and effective baby massage.


Before starting the massage, it is important to take the time to prepare everything you need to create a calm and relaxing environment for your baby. You need to have a soft towel, a blanket to wrap your baby in, baby oil, and a calm, relaxing environment.

Position of the child

Choose a comfortable position for you and your baby. You can sit on the floor or in a chair, making sure your baby is in a relaxed and safe position. If you need to use a pillow to support your baby, make sure it is stable and safe.

Massage steps

  1. Start with the legs: Apply a small amount of baby oil to your baby's legs and start massaging gently from bottom to top. Use your hands to make light, circular motions on your baby's skin. This helps stimulate blood and lymph circulation.
  2. Move to the feet: Massage the soles of your baby's feet with gentle, circular motions. This helps relax the muscles in the feet and legs and can help your baby sleep better.
  3. Continue with the abdomen: use gentle circular motions to massage your baby's abdomen, following the direction of the hands of the clock. Massaging the abdomen can help improve your baby's digestion and reduce gas.
  4. Massage the chest: Use your fingers to make circular motions over your baby's chest, being careful not to press too hard. This helps relax your baby's chest and lung muscles.
  5. Continue with the arms: massage your baby's arms with gentle movements, from bottom to top. This helps relax your baby's arm and shoulder muscles.
  6. Move on to your hands: Massage your baby's hands with gentle, circular motions. This helps stimulate blood and lymph circulation in your baby's hands.
  7. Massage the face: Use your fingers to make gentle movements on your baby's face, following the direction of the hands of the clock. Massaging your baby's face can help relax facial muscles and relieve tension.
  8. Finish with the back: Gently massage your baby's back in circular motions. Massaging your baby's back can help relax the back and leg muscles and can help your baby sleep better.

Benefits of baby massage

Baby massage has numerous benefits, including:

  • Promotes baby's sleep and digestion: Massage can help relax your baby's muscles and relieve tension, promoting more peaceful sleep and better digestion.
  • Strengthens the bond between mother and baby: massage is an excellent practice for strengthening the bond between mother and baby, creating a moment of intimacy and sharing.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety for both the baby and the mother: massage can help reduce stress and anxiety for both the baby and the mother, promoting a climate of calm and serenity.
  • Stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation: Massage can help stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation, promoting the proper functioning of your baby's immune system.


Baby massage is a great practice to promote your baby's well-being and strengthen the bond between you. Follow these simple steps and enjoy the relaxing time with your little one.

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