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Article: The importance of face-to-face interactions

L'importanza delle interazioni faccia a faccia - Noi da piccoli

The importance of face-to-face interactions

The importance of face-to-face interactions: How excessive screen time can affect your child's development

In an increasingly digitalized world, where tablets, smartphones and televisions have become daily tools in the lives of adults and children, it is essential to reflect on the impact that these devices can have on the development of the little ones. While technology offers definite benefits, such as access to educational resources and learning opportunities, too much exposure can lead to unintended consequences.

1. Introduction to screen time and its effects on children

“Screen time” refers to time spent in front of electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets, computers and televisions. With the advent of streaming platforms and educational apps, many parents are tempted to use these tools as a means to entertain or even educate their children. However, it is essential to ask: How much screen time is too much for a child?

2. Recent research on the link between screen time and developmental delays

Recent studies have highlighted a worrying correlation between excessive screen exposure and potential delays in children's development. An example is the research conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association of Pediatrics (JAMA) , which examined over 7,000 mother-child pairs. The results showed that children who spend up to four hours a day in front of a screen are three times more likely to experience delays in communication and problem solving than their peers.

Even more alarming, children who spend more than four hours a day with their devices are nearly six times more likely to experience the same delays as they grow. These delays are not only limited to cognitive abilities, but also affect fine motor skills and the development of personal and social skills.

3. The importance of face-to-face interactions for children's cognitive and social development

Face-to-face interactions are critical to children's healthy development. When a child interacts with parents, caregivers, or other children, he or she learns to decode facial expressions, vocal tones, and body language. These interactions help develop empathy, social understanding and communication skills.

Additionally, screen-free activities, such as playing outside, reading together, or participating in role-playing games, stimulate creativity, problem solving, and fine motor skills. These experiences are irreplaceable and provide children with learning opportunities that no app or video can replicate.

4. Advice for parents on how to balance screen time and face-to-face interactions

Set clear limits : It is essential to establish time limits for the use of electronic devices. For example, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends a maximum of one hour per day of screen time for children ages 2 to 5. For children under 18 months, screen use is completely discouraged, with the exception of video calls.

Prioritize screen-free activities : Instead of turning on the TV or giving your child a tablet, try offering alternative activities such as reading a book, doing a puzzle, playing outside or doing an art activity. These activities not only reduce screen time, but also promote cognitive and motor development.

Be a role model : Children imitate what they see. If you spend a lot of time in front of the screen, chances are your child wants to do the same. Try to set an example by limiting your screen time and prioritizing other activities.

Quality time : When you decide to let your child use a device, make sure the content is age-appropriate and, if possible, watch or play with him. This not only allows you to monitor what they see, but also turns screen time into a shared learning opportunity.

Educate about potential consequences : As children grow, it is important to educate them about the potential consequences of excessive screen time, such as eye strain, lack of sleep and developmental delays. Involving them in decisions about screen time can help them develop healthy habits in the future.

5. Conclusion: How parents can help their children grow healthily in a digital world

We live in a digital age, and technology is here to stay. However, as parents, we have a responsibility to ensure that our children grow up in a healthy and balanced way. Limiting screen time and promoting face-to-face interactions are key steps in this direction. Always remember that the quality of time spent together is more important than the quantity and that every moment shared is an opportunity for your child to learn and grow.

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