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Article: Creative activities for children under 5 years old

Attività creative per bambini sotto i 5 anni - Noi da piccoli

Creative activities for children under 5 years old

Children under 5 are always looking for new creative and educational activities that help them develop their cognitive and motor skills. In this article, we will explore some ideas for creative and fun activities that parents can do with their children at home.

Discover 10 creative and educational activities for children under 5 that help develop their cognitive and motor skills, such as painting, sandcastle building and science labs at home.

Playing with paint

Painting is a creative activity that helps develop children's creativity and fine motor skills. Parents can create homemade painting sets using food coloring and plain yogurt, and then encourage children to paint on paper, canvas or even rocks. This activity is great for stimulating children's creativity, as they can freely express their imagination and experiment with colours.

Build a sandcastle

Building a sandcastle is a fun activity for children, which helps them develop their fine motor and coordination skills. Parents can take their children to the beach or use a sand box in the garden to make a sandcastle. This activity is great for stimulating children's creativity, as they can build and modify their sandcastle as they wish.

Do a science lab at home

Children are always fascinated by science and exploring the world around them. Parents can set up a science lab at home, with simple experiments like making giant soap bubbles or creating a miniature volcano. This activity is fantastic for stimulating children's curiosity and for them to discover the world around them.

Create a miniature garden

Creating a miniature garden is a creative and educational activity that helps children develop their passion for nature. Parents can use a plastic container or wooden box to create a miniature garden with small plants, rocks and moss. This activity is great for stimulating children's interest in nature and ecology.

Make a work of art with handprints

Creating handprint artwork is a creative activity that helps children develop their fine motor and coordination skills. Parents can use paint to create their children's handprints on paper or canvas, and then decorate the artwork with other elements. This activity is fantastic for stimulating children's creativity and creating a unique and personalized work of art.

Build a city with blocks

Building a city with blocks is a creative and educational activity that helps children develop their creativity and motor skills. Parents can use wooden or plastic blocks to build a miniature city, with skyscrapers, bridges and roads. This activity is fantastic for stimulating children's creativity and for developing their sense of space and proportion.

Create a scrapbook

Making a scrapbook is a creative and educational activity that helps children develop their creativity and fine motor skills. Parents can provide their children with a variety of magazines and old newspapers, and then encourage them to cut out the images they like to create a scrapbook. This activity is great for stimulating children's creativity and imagination as they can create their own stories using images cut out of newspapers.

Make a pasta necklace

Making a pasta necklace is a creative and educational activity that helps children develop their motor and coordination skills. Parents can use raw pasta such as fusilli or penne, color the pasta with food coloring, and then help children string the pasta onto a string to create a necklace. This activity is great for stimulating children's creativity and developing hand-eye coordination.

Build a ship with a cardboard box

Building a ship out of a cardboard box is a creative and educational activity that helps children develop their creativity and fine motor skills. Parents can use a cardboard box and then help children decorate it and turn it into a ship. This activity is fantastic for stimulating children's creativity and for developing their sense of proportion and spatiality.

Do a puzzle

Doing a puzzle is a creative and educational activity that helps children develop their cognitive and problem solving skills. Parents can provide their children with a puzzle with an image that they are passionate about, such as a picture of animals or a landscape. This activity is fantastic for stimulating children's cognitive skills and developing their sense of problem solving.


In summary, there are many creative and educational activities that parents can do with their children under 5 to help them develop their cognitive and motor skills. Try some of these activities and you will see how much fun and satisfaction they can bring to you and your children.

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