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Article: 10 things to do before the newborn arrives.

10 cose da fare prima dell'arrivo del neonato. - Noi da piccoli

10 things to do before the newborn arrives.

Being a new mother can be exciting and scary at the same time.

With the arrival of the newborn, there are many things to do to best prepare for the arrival of the new family member. In this article, I will give you a complete guide on 10 things to do before your newborn arrives.

  1. Prepare the baby's room
    One of the first steps you need to take is preparing the baby's room. You should purchase everything you need for the newborn such as a crib, mattress, sheets, blankets and changing table. Also, make sure the room is safe and clean.

  2. Stock up on diapers and wet wipes
    Newborns use many diapers and wet wipes every day. Be sure to stock up on these products so you have enough on hand when your newborn arrives.

  3. Choose a pediatrician
    Choosing a pediatrician before your newborn arrives will give you peace of mind that you have someone to turn to with any questions or concerns regarding your newborn's health.

  4. Create a sleep plan
    Baby's sleep is essential for his development. Create a sleep schedule that works for you and your baby to ensure you both get enough rest.

  5. Prepare your luggage for the birth
    Prepare your birth bag in advance so you have everything you need when the time comes. Remember to include your medical documents and those of the newborn.

  6. Take a pre-natal class
    A pre-natal class will help you better understand what to expect during birth and how to manage your newborn after birth.

  7. Arrange maternity leave
    Arrange maternity leave with your employer in advance. This way you can focus on the newborn without worrying about work.

  8. Make a plan for visits
    Make a plan for visits from family and friends. Make sure you have enough time for you and the newborn and set clear rules for visits.

  9. Buy clothes for the newborn
    Buy clothes for the newborn in advance so that you have enough clothes for him/her. Remember to buy clothes in different sizes, as newborns grow very quickly.

  10. Prepare the first aid kit for the newborn
    Prepare a first aid kit for your newborn that includes everything you need in case of an emergency. Make sure you know how to use the items in the kit.

In summary, preparing for the arrival of your newborn takes time and organization. Prepare the baby's room, stock up on diapers and wet wipes, choose a pediatrician, create a sleep plan, prepare your luggage for the birth.

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