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Article: The best positions for breastfeeding your newborn.

Le migliori posizioni per allattare il neonato. - Noi da piccoli

The best positions for breastfeeding your newborn.

Breastfeeding a newborn is one of the most intimate and special moments between a mother and her baby. However, many new mothers may struggle to find the right position to breastfeed their newborn comfortably and comfortably. In this article, I will give you some tips and the best positions for breastfeeding your newborn.

  1. Cradle position
    The cradle position is one of the most common positions for breastfeeding your newborn. It is a position in which the newborn lies in the mother's crib, with his head in the crook of the mother's elbow. The mother can adjust the height of the newborn by placing a pillow under her elbow or under the newborn.

  2. Position in rugby
    The rugby position is another common position for breastfeeding your newborn. In this position, the newborn lies next to the mother on a pillow, with his head near the breast. The mother can then place her arm around the newborn and breastfeed him.

  3. Fan position
    The fan position is similar to the cradle position, but with the baby lying lower on the mother's belly. In this position, the mother holds the newborn with her arm and breastfeeds by placing her breast near the newborn's mouth.

  4. Sitting position
    The sitting position is a comfortable position for mothers who have back or neck problems. In this position, the mother sits in a comfortable place and places the newborn on her lap. The mother can adjust the height of the newborn by placing a pillow under him.

  5. Horse position
    The straddle position is a comfortable position for mothers who have had a C-section or who have difficulty bending. In this position, the mother sits on a chair or sofa and places the newborn on her thigh. The mother can then breastfeed the newborn while maintaining good posture.

In summary, there are many different positions for breastfeeding your newborn and every mother should choose the one that is most comfortable for her. However, the right position should be comfortable for mother and baby and ensure good milk flow. Try different positions to find the right one for you and your little one.

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