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Article: How to Burp Your Newborn

Come Far Fare il Ruttino al Neonato - Noi da piccoli

How to Burp Your Newborn


The birth of a newborn is a joyful event that brings with it new responsibilities and challenges for parents. One of these challenges is burping the newborn after every meal. While it may seem like a simple task, many parents often find themselves confused about how to do it right. This article is a complete guide on how to burp your baby safely and effectively.

Why is it important to burp your newborn?

Before going into details, it is essential to understand why burping your newborn is so important. While breastfeeding or feeding, newborns may ingest air along with their milk or formula. This air can cause discomfort, swelling and irritability if it is not expelled. Burping the baby helps to release this air, thus preventing digestive problems such as colic and regurgitation.

Ideal moment for the Burp

The best time to burp your baby is immediately after a meal. However, if your baby seems particularly uncomfortable while breastfeeding, it may be helpful to burp him mid-feed.

Techniques for Burping

1. Vertical Position

Hold the newborn upright, resting his head on your humerus. Be sure to support your head and back while giving light pats or massages on your back.

2. Sitting on the Womb

Sit your baby on your lap, supporting his chest and head with one hand. With the other hand, give light pats or massages on the back.

3. Belly Down Position

Place the baby face down on your lap, supporting his head and chest with one hand. With the other hand, give light pats or massages on the back.

What to Avoid

  • Never shake the baby.
  • Don't burp him while he's still on his stomach on the bed or changing table.
  • Avoid burping him immediately after putting him to sleep.

Useful Tools

  • Burp cloth: to protect your clothes from possible spit-up.
  • Clock or timer: to monitor how much time has passed since the last burp.

When to Consult a Doctor

If your newborn seems to have persistent problems with burping or shows signs of distress such as incessant crying, vomiting or refusing to eat, it is advisable to see a doctor to rule out any health problems.

Frequent questions

Why can't my newborn burp?

If your newborn is having trouble burping, it could be due to various factors such as tension, incorrect positioning, or underlying health problems. In these cases, it is best to consult a doctor.

Is it normal if my newborn doesn't burp every time?

Yes, it's normal. Some newborns don't need to burp every time they eat. However, if you notice any signs of discomfort, it is best to burp them.

What to do if my newborn regurgitates a lot?

If your newborn regurgitates frequently, it is important to see a doctor to rule out problems such as gastroesophageal reflux.

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